The Middle Ages is a historical period, an exciting time from the fall of the Roman Empire to the New Age, the beginning of the English industrial revolution. They are replacing antiquity, considered by many people as a dark period of cruelty, centuries of decline, the triumph of religious beliefs over science.
Is this opinion true, how people actually lived in the Middle Ages, and what were the main events of this period? Many curious people ask similar questions, which are definitely worth answering.
Middle Ages - ten centuries of historical development
The initial opinion of modern scholars about the Middle Ages was indeed quite gloomy. There was a common stereotype that during this period European and Middle Eastern civilizations were in decline. However, upon further consideration of the issue, the opinion changed; today the Middle Ages are not judged unambiguously. Yes, during this period there were aspects of decline, but there were also many positive aspects.
Interesting fact: it is worth noting at least that almost all of the most remarkable architectural structures in Europe belong to this period. These are castles, palaces, Gothic cathedrals, and much more. The bulk of the most famous, impressive paintings of artists are attributed to the same period.
Salient Features of the Middle Ages
As for any other eras, the Middle Ages have their own unique features that can be used to characterize this period. The medieval economy is predominantly agricultural in nature, most people worked on the earth, using the result of their labors as a source of livelihood.
This is the heyday of religion, the period when churches and church teachings are for the West, and the influence of Islam in the East was very serious.
People were totally religious, religion became the basis for the outbreak of wars, conquests - the Crusades can be an example. During this period, national states experienced their formation, feudalism flourished everywhere.
Medieval periods
The Middle Ages is not homogeneous, this era is divided into three large periods - the early, from the 5th to 10th centuries, the highest, from the 10th to the 14th centuries, and the late, the 14th-16th centuries. However, these gradations are quite approximate, the exact dates of the transition from one period to another, historical events associated with this, scientists do not indicate. The first period is very unstable, it is associated with the formation of European statehood and the accompanying unrest.
The culture characteristic of the Middle Ages, typical and understandable to modern man values, began to form only towards the end of the 15th century. And further civilization took broad steps to its cultural heyday, to scientific progress and active development in many directions at once.
The Middle Ages - the heir to antiquity
The Roman Empire remained the center of the ancient world for many centuries. Its collapse under the blows of barbaric attacks has become a serious event on a global scale. For the first time, the Visigoths were able to capture Rome in 410 AD, but the final fall of the empire is usually dated to 476, when the remnants of the empire became the prey of the Germanic tribes.
The empire fell, and with it many cultural, scientific achievements, the experience of many generations of people disappeared. These values did not find recognition in the societies of wild tribes, were forgotten for many centuries. That is why at the beginning of the Middle Ages there is a great decline in the field of culture, science, and other areas.
Rome did not completely disappear from the face of the earth - the previously breakaway eastern part with Constantinople as the capital remained on the map until the 15th century, but the state no longer had the previous strength.It could not play its former role of unifier and conqueror, guardian of culture, science. The world plunged into chaos, the exit from which took several centuries. Nevertheless, the tribes were able to form their own states, to form a new culture, which came to replace the old one.
Characteristics of the periods of the Middle Ages
In the first period of the Middle Ages, the situation was precarious. Yesterday's tribal leaders took high titles, sought to create their own states, and clashed over territories. The first steps were taken in the formation of statehood. Constant wars demanded the creation of good weapons, this was the impetus for the development of metallurgy. It was during this period that the formation of the estate was necessary; separate castes of peasants, nobles, and clergy appeared. There were few cities; more than 90 percent of people lived in rural areas.
The heyday of the Middle Ages
From the 10th to the 14th centuries, medieval culture flourished. At this point, states have already formed, and people have a typical worldview with fairly broad interests. Each peasant understood what was good and what was bad, and judged within the framework of religious morality. In the same period, trade relations were established that allowed commodity and cultural exchanges between the East and the West to take place. In addition to merchants, travelers appeared, discoverers who brought new information. This spurred science, further broadened the human worldview.
During this period, the formation of chivalry and its canons, moral principles. The warrior could no longer be an aggressive raider, rude, boor. Military honor found its limits and took root in the second estate. Despite the contradictory image of the knight, this figure remains attractive to this day, combining the images of a warrior and defender, a fighter for faith, a man of high honor, a favorite of women. Every boy dreamed of being a knight at least once.
Late Middle Ages
From the 14th century begins the era of the late Middle Ages, which lasts until the 15th or 16th century - here the opinions of scientists differ. Someone indicates that this period should end in 1492 with the discovery of the American continent, but in the framework of Russian scientific ideas, the Middle Ages ends with an industrial revolution, from, it lasts until the 16th century.
This period is characterized by the active formation of cities, which are becoming larger. Peasant uprisings begin, which lead to their liberation, epidemics occur - due to overpopulation, pollution of cities. Epidemics stimulate the development of medicine.
The late Middle Ages and the events taking place during this period become the end of an era that does not end in disasters, as happened with Antiquity, but smoothly passes into the New Time.
The results of the medieval era
This period began with decline, then moving into the phase of active development of new peoples and their civilizations, which replaced the old ancient world. During this period, many cities with unique architectural monuments arose, monotheistic religions spread, the first universities and centers of science development appeared. Over this thousand years, humanity has made a huge leap forward, which laid the foundations for all subsequent progress.